
Hello everyone,

The five major eras of human history are: 

Paleolithic àNeolithic àAncient àClassical àModern

Based on my findings below, as a historian, I would rearrange the World History Timeline by adding the Cosmic era before the Paleolithic era and the Ecozoic era after the Modern era. 

CosmicàPaleolithic àNeolithic àAncient àGaiac àClassical àModernàEcozoic

We might want to add these three additional eras to the five Western historical perspective major eras based on when approximately each of the eras emerged:  

àCosmic  ......... 13.8 billion years ago
àPaleolithic .......... 3 million years
àNeolithic .............12,000 years ago
àAncient .................5,019 years ago
àGaiac ....................5,000 years ago
àClassical ...............1,544 years ago
àModern ....................528 years ago
àEcozoic ......................40 years ago



Cosmos:  "the universe as an embodiment of order and harmony."


Gaia: "Earth as a goddess, from Greek Gaia," "which is of unknown origin and perhaps from a pre-Indo-European Language of Greece." (era during Bronze Age).

A red-figure vase depicting the earth goddess Gaia giving the baby Erichthonius to Athena.


Eco-: derived from the Greek word "oikos" meaning house, household, or home, and;
-zoic: from the Greek word "zoikos" meaning pertaining to living beings.

"Thus Ecozoic era is defined as the era of the house of living beings."




  1. For future reference, Below is actually the correct World History timeline provided by the Professor Patti Andrews:

    "Cosmic-"the big bang and beginning of the universe and elements"
    "Gaiac-formation of the earth as a self-regulating system that is alive or capable of creating life"
    "Paleolithic-old stone” technology"
    "Neolithic-'new stone' technology and also the beginnings of agriculture"
    "Ancient-development of civilization and writing"
    "Classical-the time of empires and the seminal thinkers whose ideas still define us as peoples"
    "Modern-perhaps also considered the European era"
    "Ecozoic-when humans come to live in a relationship of mutuality with the non-human world"

    The only difference is that I considered the Gaiac era to be after the Ancient and before the Classical eras but it is supposed to be right after the Cosmic era.

    Thank you, Professor Andrews.


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