
Hi, I am Sarita.

Number of replies: 3

I am studying Business Administration here at NDNU and am working on my last classes to be able to graduate. I am very curious about World History and because I am on the Finance field, I didn't have a change to explore about our history like I will in this class. I am looking forward to learning from this class material and conversations with you all and hope I can keep up with all the reading and writing required. I prefer the in-class environment and am trying to adapt to the new online learning style. I was born in Brazil in second generation Italian, German and Portuguese families. I am very curious to find out more details about my ancestors but haven't made it a priority just yet. When I do, I would like to visit the places my family come from and learn about our history. For now, I really enjoy living in the melting pot of the Bay Area. The opportunity to meet people from all around the world is very unique. I also love going back home in Brazil and be with my beloved family, friends and relive and make fun new memories. My family and I enjoy playing Capoeira (Brazilian Martial Arts), soccer, riding our bikes and going for hikes. 

I want to wish each and all of you health and inspiration to achieve your dreams - little and big ones. 




  1. Hi Sarita, Nice to meet you!!! My name is Claudia .I am also Brazilian. I am from Rio de Janeiro, which city in Brazil are you come from? I enjoyed in reading your introduction. I agree with you , I prefer in-class lectures, but with all this pandemic going around the globe, I think this will take time to life come back to normal. It took me a while to figured out this blog, but I think lots of students are in doubt like I do, I think I am not the only one. I wish you the best in your journey and I am looking forward to see you in our graduation day, I will be holding a little Brazilian flag, and we can seet closer to each other to celebration our graduation day in a very Brazilian style. It will be fun!!! Best of luck to you!!!! Boa sorte pra voce!!!!

  2. Hi nice to meet you Sarita! I too have practiced and learned martial arts, so I'm aware of Capoeira as its a beautiful and powerful brazilian martial arts style. I hope nothing but the best for you too and it's a pleasure to have you in class too. Good luck in class and hope to hear more from you. Take care and be safe!

  3. Hello Sarita!
    I am Italian/Mexican! Nice to meet you! I wish to explore as well my Italian side too. I for sure didn't get the cooking down for either sides of me. I burn water! I hope that you get to explore and see the world and learn your culture! I know right now it's difficult but with time and day by day things will be better <3! Stay safe!


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