
Showing posts from June, 2020

Chapter 4: Culture and Religion in Eurasia/North Africa, 500 B.C.E. - 500 C.E.

Big Picture - Question #4 If I was a Roman Christian traveler in Eurasian world of 500 C.E. writing home about my encounter with other religious traditions, I would write about the thinkers, religions and philosophies below. I would point out that some of these religions believed in many gods and goddesses (polytheistic) and others, just like Christians, in only one god (monotheistic). I would also point out that each tradition gave importance to different key ideas. Brahmanism/Hinduism (800-400 B.C.E.) in India  Brahman (the single impersonal divine reality); karma; rebirth; goal of liberation (moksha) Confucianism (6th -5th centuries B.C.E.) in China Social harmony through moral example; secular outlook; importance of education; family as model of the state Buddhism (6th-5th centuries B.C.E.) in India  Suffering caused by desire/attachment; end of suffering through modest and moral living and meditation practice Greek rationalism (5th - 4th centuries B.C.E.) in Gre...

Teresa, I accepted your challenge. (Debate Challenge)

Refer to Teresa's blog.

Chapter 9 - I found it interesting to read that...

"Muslims, Jews, and Christians" I found it interesting to read about "the close relationship of three Middle Eastern monotheistic traditions in this fifteenth-century Persian painting, which portrays Muhammad leading Moses, Abraham, and Jesus in prayer. The fire surrounding the Prophet's head represents his religious fervor. The painting reflects the Islamic belief that the revelations granted to Muhammad built on and completed those given earlier to Jews and Christians.” I learned that the Islamic belief revelations had been built on and completed the revelations given to Jewish and Christian Prophets. Therefore, the Islam sacred text, the Qur’an , contains Prophet Muhammad’s revelations in addition to Jewish and Christian prophets revelations.     T he Qur'an contains 114 Surahs (chapters), each divided into Ayahs (verses). It is arranged from the longest to the shortest Surahs ; Earlier Surahs are also called Meccan Surahs because it reflects the earlier p...